Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ok, so I've decided to start a food blog.

I'm sure you're thinking, great, another food blog.  That's just what me need.  Well, me too kinda.  I actually started this blog several months ago, but am just now getting around to posting something on it.  I think about it all the time, and then never do it.  I guess I just don't want it to be one of those things that I start and then fail miserably my family blog.  You're luck to get a new post every few months.  Sure, I have two time consuming children, we are trying to establish our newly bought dental practice, and life it just busy and stressful....but I'm going to try and make some time for me and the things I like to do.  I don't particularly like to blog, but it might grow on me.  I do however like to cook and bake.  My husband is always telling me I need to "go get a hobby" and to be honest, there aren't too many things that I care enough about, enjoy, and want to spend my free time and money doing.   He on the other hand always wants to be going a doing something.  Fishing these days is what consumes all his free time (and mine).  I will go, but to be honest, most of the stuff he loves just doesn't interest me that much.  I guess I'm just a homebody.  I do like to go out and do stuff, but the comfort of my own home is what I love most.  I think that is where the food comes in.  It's part of what makes home a home.  You've gotta have something good to eat.  So wish me luck!  We'll see how I do.